This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Alone In the Wilderness

This weekend I watched the movie Alone In the Wilderness which tells a brief summary of Dick Proenneke's stay in the Alaskan wilderness. He set out to live by himself in the wilderness for a year and ended up doing it for much more than one. All of the film from this movie is from Proenneke's 16mm camera. The film tells of how he built his cabin, how he survived, and all the things he saw while in the wilderness.
The film may come off as something that only Dr. Eeverson (no clue how to spell) would like but, that is not true. The movie quickly captivates the viewer by the amazing shots of the Alaskan landscape. Spruce trees next to lakes and snow topped mountains all around. After the viewer is captivated Proenneke's interesting personality takes over. He simply tells what he is doing and how. That alone caught my attention enough. The amazing thing to me is that this man knew how to do so many things well. Not only could he successfully film all the landscape and wildlife around him, but he could also build his own log cabin and survive on his own. This movie shows off the beauty of the wilderness and the many talents of Proenneke. At one point in the movie he carves a wooden spoon out of a log in less than an hour. This movie truly impresses me because of how well it was put together. Proenneke would show some film and commentate exactly what was happening right down to the finest detail. He was able to do this even though he was out there for years, he remembers every part of it. This movie makes me want to drop everything and go live by myself in the middle of no where.
I would highly recommend watching this film it captivated me through so many aspects and I'm sure anyone could find some interests within this movie. Whether it be exploration, wildlife, or wood working skills.
I see this movie falling under the theme of individual vs. society, not directly though. The whole point in going out to Alaska to do this was because it was not touched by humans. Proenneke said at one point that it had not been "ruined" by mankind. He is the one person who is trying to live with nature, not separate himself from it. He is different from society. I would give this movie a 7.5/10.


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