This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

The Shining

            The Shining follows Jack Torrance and his family, who are the winter caretakers of the Overlook Hotel, a very secluded summer resort in Colorado.  It’s very confusing, but basically Jack’s kid has the shining, basically a telepathic communication ability, and he sees many things, mostly regarding the former winter caretaker murdering his family and himself.  Jack goes crazy in the hotel for some unexplained reason and tries to kill his family because a ghost bartender or a hallucination told him to.  There are so many unexplained things in this movie, but it was still very well made.  Suspense in almost used constantly once the story gets going, many times leading to nothing at all.  Jack Nicholson does a fantastic job playing someone who goes crazy.  The major theme in this movie is Man VS. Himself.  Jack has an internal battle as he sees ghosts or hallucinates or something—he has to fight going crazy.  His son has inner turmoil because of the shining, and goes between being normal and crazy.  Although this film is confusing, it is well done. I would give it a 4.5 out of 5.


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