This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

A Knight's Tale

This action-packed comedy is an inspiring tale of a young boy who works his entire life against all odds to become a victorious knight. The movie A Knight’s Tale covers a large scale of genres, including comedy, action/adventure, and drama. Some movies have a difficult time balancing multiple genres, but this movie is able to hold the viewer’s attention and invoke emotional reactions in just the way the creators intended it to.
The humor in the movie can be both subtle and apparent, and is well balanced with the main story-line in a way that still keeps the movie feeling inspiring and dramatic. Its unique take on comedy showed in some of the ways they mixed current culture with a medieval one.
The characters in the film help hold together the movie. Each character is lovable, and the exaggeration of each character’s personality helped for them to stand out and play a different role in the film. Their contribution to the plot helped to tie in even the smallest issues and leaves the situation and results seeming plausible. The classic story of redemption and triumph gives the viewers what they want and more.

The film is definitely worth the watch. I went into the film not knowing much about it to have a less biased review, and now know where to get a few good laughs while leaving the movie feeling able to accomplish anything. With the performance of the actors as well as the plot and execution, I would certainly say that this movie is worth your time. I would give it a solid 4 out of 5 lances.


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