This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

What About Bob?

What about Bob? centers around Bob Wiley, a neurotic man who suffers from many phobias, and his relation to Dr. Leo Marvin, his self-centered psychiatrist.  Bob goes to an introductory session with Dr. Marvin and feels good about it, but freaks out when he finds out Dr. Marvin is going on vacation to Lake Winnipesauke in New Hampshire.  Bob follows him to his vacation home and befriends Dr. Marvin’s family.  Although they all like Bob, Leo feels he is above associating with patients and tries to get rid of him, although Bob is completely oblivious to this.  I enjoyed watching this film because it is humorous how Bob, oblivious to Leo’s hatred of him, tries to befriend him and his family, but only drives Leo insane.  It keeps all age groups engaged and entertained.  Also, one can understand the situations of both Bob, an innocent, oblivious man trying to cure himself of his mental problems, and Leo, a man who wants to enjoy a vacation with his family without the constant interruption of one of his patients.  However, one is more likely to sympathize with Bob’s side due to his innocent nature.  The most relevant theme to this movie would be Man vs. Himself.  Bob seeks to fix himself throughout the movie, he tries going to a psychiatrist, but that does not work.  He starts making progress when Leo, upon finding out that he followed him on vacation, tells him to take a vacation from himself.  Bob decides to take a real vacation at Lake Winnipesauke and ends up spending a lot of time with Leo and his family.  Though he drives Leo crazy by doing this, Bob’s neurotic tendencies start to dissipate.  He is finally cured of these problems at the end of the film.  Bob has driven Leo insane and Leo steals explosives to kill Bob.  He ties him to a tree at gunpoint and hangs the bomb around his neck; he tells Bob that it is a technique called “Death Therapy”.  Bob believes him and thinks him being tied up with what he thinks is a fake bomb is a metaphor meaning if he does not untie himself inside, he is going to blow himself up.  Bob unties himself, takes the bomb off his neck, and goes to congratulate and thank Leo on “Death Therapy” working.  He is cured of his mental problem, while Leo is driven so insane that he becomes senile.  Though he is driven back to his senses when Bob marries Leo’s sister Lily.  I would rate this movie 8 out of 10.


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