This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Hello, Mr. Brooks.

Mr. Brooks
Directed by Bruce A. Evans
Review by Aurora, Wang Yi
            This movie is a kind of human verse himself and individual verse society. The movie is not only about high intelligence, serial killer and split personality. In the movie, it comes up with Original Sin and The Serenity Prayer.
            At the beginning of the movie, Mr. Brooks is praying on the evening party. The pray is from Reinhold Niebuhr’s famous pray The Serenity Prayer: My God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not changeThe courage to change the things I canAnd the wisdom to know the difference.That makes me think this movie is not regular.
            When he is praying, another voice comes out. I remember it is about come on, you have done for a long time, dear child; forget it, if you want to kill it then to kill, not to make life difficult for your own desires. On the way he backs to home, the voice becomes a person who is named Marshall at the back seat of his car. Originally, Earl Brooks is a wealthy, successful businessman recently honored by the Portland, Oregon Chamber of Commerce as "Man of the Year." In his secret life, Brooks is a serial killer, known as the "Thumbprint Killer”. Marshall says that is the last time. That night, Mr. Brooks kills a couple.
            Later, Mr. Brooks and Marshall communicate and fight with each other. This is the life of Mr. Brooks. On one side, he prays in front of God. On the other side, he falls with devil. This movie is not about psychology, but is about soul. It is not about split personality, but is about Original Sin.


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