This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

6 days to air

   I watched a documentary called 6 days to air which is all about the famous comedy central tv show South Park. The show was created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The show is known to be crude and controversial. The show first premiered in August of 1997 with the pilot epsiode "Cartman gets an anal probe". As this is the name of the first episode one can only imagine all the oddities encountered in the shows seventeen seasons (still growing). Stone and Parker seem to still be kids making poop jokes at heart, they are just good at it and are being payed for it.
   The documentary focuses on the process of how a South Park episode is made. The creators come up with all their material from scratch and take one six days to make one whole episode of South Park. The documentary makes it clear that this is not normal all for cartoon shows of this caliber. It would not be possible to make a full episode in six days if it weren't for all the creativity of those making the show and for the group of people that actually makes the episodes. South Park has composed a team of people and a process that is streamlined and unlike any other tv show.
   The documentary particularly focuses on how the ideas for episodes are created. It is essentially six people (lead by Stone and Parker) coming up with funny ideas, jokes, and scenes that could all be put into a show. They joke around constantly and cuss like sailors. Stone and Parker often imagine how an idea would work by saying things out loud in characters voices (as they do most of the voices for South Park characters). The atmosphere of the studio is for the most part very relaxed, that is until its two days from when an episode airs and much work is still to be done. One part of the documentary talks about how the two( Stone and Parker) showed up to an awards show high, this sets an example of how relaxed they can be. Some episodes are much easier to make than others. Some weeks the team may work twice as long for the same 20 minute show.
   This documentary was extremely insightful. I have been watching South Park for years and this documentary has given me much more understanding of how the show works and how it is so successful. I would defiantly recommend this to any South Park fan, although do know its the creators of South Park so the documentary about them is raunchy as well. I would give it a 9 out of 10.


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