This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Movie 43

            Movie 43 was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life.  A large amount of the time I do not agree with the reviews that critics give movies, especially comedies like this one.  However, for this movie I have the exact same rating (it got a 4% on rotten tomatoes).  Somebody called it, “the Citizen Kane of awful” which I fully agree with.  It is suppose to be a raunchy, vulgar comedy, but there were very few funny statements in the whole movie.  It started off terrible, with a man with a scrotum on his chin, and did not get any better.  I was considering going to see this movie when it was in theaters, but now I am glad that I did not waste the money on it.  It tried much to hard to be funny and as a result turned out just plain stupid.
            There was not really a main theme to it because it is a bunch of different sketches put together.  It is hard to identify any because all of the sketches either do not contain one or are not long or developed enough to have one of the top ten themes.  In a way it shows the battle because between all of the sketches there is a man trying to get his movie (all of the sketches put together) made.  He fights with the executives and the executives fight each other, but it is not developed in this theme at all.  It also had a terrible ending because it did not have any closure with the movie making deal.  It was simply a dreadful movie.  I give it a 0.5 out of 5, and I think that is a generous rating.


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