This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Dark Shadows

It is the year 1776 and the Collins family has settled into Collinsport, Maine just as their fishing empire takes flight, making them extremely wealthy. Their only son Barnabas, a known heart breaker, makes the mistake of leading on one of their maids, Angelique. Angelique develops an unhealthy obsession for Barnabas who incidentally loves a girl of his social status named Josette. When Angelique discovers the lovers she reveals her true identity as a witch and curses the entire Collins family; murdering Josette and Barnabas's parents and turning Barnabas into a vampire; trapping him in a coffin underground for almost two centuries. Barnabas is set free into the year 1972 to discover that his mansion is in ruins and has been left to his descendants who have lost almost all of the Collin's fortune. As he works with his family to get his estate back in order; he develops a strong affection for the family's governess Victoria Winters. Barnabas goes to all the local ports to discover the witch, Angie, is still at large and taking over Collinsport one port at a time.

This film was just as mystifying and whimsical as any of Tim Burton's other films. I found myself being sucked into the plot line just like I do for any other movies directed by Burton. One of the things Burton does extremely well is his use of lighting. The way he can change an entire scene with just one tint is absolutely incredible, especially in distinguishing the good from evil. Throughout each of Burton's movies he gives the viewer little hints with the lighting of which characters are good and which are going to turn out not so good.

Tim Burton stands to be one of my all-time favorite directors with this film included. the cinematography is masterful and but I would have to only rate it a solid 4.1 out of 5 stakes. I would not recommend that you watch this with your family may put you in an awkward spot with some of the more PG-13 material.


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