This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

ragdoll swag

     I watched the movie 9 by Tim Burton. At first I was a little skeptical because the characters were all ragdolls, which just seemed kind of lame to me. However, by the end of the movie by idea of that detail was changed. The movie is about a ragdoll that wakes up in a post apocalyptic world to discover that he and a few other ragdolls are the only survivors of a war between man and machine. The movie is about the ragdolls stopping a machine from the past that was accidentally created. They accomplish thanks to the help from the dead scientist who created the machines. The ragdoll 9 is the only one who wants to fight and has to gradually convince the others to help.
    One thing that I enjoyed about the film was the creativity that Tim Burton put into the film. All the animated characters were unique and complex (especially the machines). The ideas for all the machines that the ragdolls fought against were unique and quite intimidating. It can be seen that much attention was paid to detail.
    I also liked that there was a whole pallet of themes in this movie. I pulled out the themes of good versus evil (which is one of ten talked about), sacrifice, and man versus itself. Good versus evil is represented because of the battle between the ragdolls and the corrupt machines. Sacrifice is represented multiple times when characters die in order for the large machine to be destroyed.
   The theme that I saw the most was man versus itself. The whole idea is set around the fact that man destroyed itself by being irresponsible with technology. Man killed itself and caused the apocalypse. I feel this movie calls for humans to be more responsible with the technology we have and not to become corrupted.

   I would recommend watching this film it is an interesting movie that takes one into a different world. I would give it 3.5 Ian’s out of 5.


Kohl Eisenhauer said...

I love this movie, I always thought it was great and it gets better every time I watch it. Personally I think Elijah Wood voicing the main character really helps make the movie great. Love that hobbit.

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