This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Ferris Buellers Day On

I watched the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off by Matthew Broderick this weekend. I watched this because everybody keeps overreacting and yelling at me when I say I haven't seen this movie. The movie was great. It is all about a clever and mischievous teenager who decides to fake sick to stay home from school. The movie is all about what Ferris, his best friend, and his girlfriend do on that day. His best friend Cameron was already sick so the two of them devise a plan to get Ferris’ girlfriend out of jail. All the while the Principal is not buying it and tries to catch Ferris. Essentially the threesome takes off in Cameron’s dads Ferrari into Chicago and has a great time.
Something I really liked about the movie was the feeling of a free spirit it gave me. Ferris broke many rules and got away with it. This sense of rebellion is enjoyable and entertaining to watch.I see why people call this a classic movie now. I feel that this kind of movie is never made. A movie simply about a clever kid cheating the system and having fun.
Another thing that I liked about the movie was how clever they made the character Ferris. He devises a whole complex plan to get his girlfriend out of school which involves calling the principle to tell him that Sloane’s grandmother passed away. It nearly goes wrong but Ferris is too clever for the principle. It is almost too hard to believe how clever he is but that’s what makes it enjoyable to watch. This movie has the theme has the theme of I forgot my list of themes at school. If the theme individual vs. society were a theme (it may be one idk) it would fall under that as Ferris does things that society forbids.

I would recommend this its classic and definitely earns 4 Ian’s of out 5.


Connor Murray said...

Sloan wasn't in jail silly goose

Connor Murray said...

Sloan wasn't in jail silly goose

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