This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Prepare for Trouble and make it Double

     The genre of Film Noir is of a completely different landscape than what today's audience sees within contemporary media culture. I chose to watch Double Indemnity after hearing and reading about how it defines Film Noir as a whole. In Double Indemnity we follow the dark and mysterious downfall of one Walter Neff. Mr. Neff is an insurance salesman and is rather good at what he does. One day he happens across a lady; Mrs. Dietrichson whom, in short wishes to commit insurance fraud to gain a large sum of dough. Mr. Neff is head over heals for this "Dame" and so naturally she convinces him to aid her in her attempt at fraud.
     Mr. Neff knows the ins and outs of a fraud investigation and so he thinks it shall be easy for him to play the system. Unfortunately for him his story takes place in a Film Noir and nothing is allowed to go pleasantly for him. His best and loyal friend and co-worker; Keyes was on his trail from the beginning of the investigation and never let up. On top of this Mrs. Dietrichson was only playing him from the beginning and never wished for anything more than to use him. Mrs. Dietrichson's deceit is what leads to the unexpected climax into a swift revolution.
     I did like this movie, but I would only recommend it if you wish to learn more about the Film Noir genre as a whole. Personally I think your time could be much better spent watching a vast amount of other movies with more substance to the cinematography. I give this movie 7 broken legs out of 10.


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