This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

The Third Man Review

            The Third Man is about Holly Martins, an American writer offered a job by his friend in Allied-occupied Vienna, and his quest to find out what happened to his friend, Harry Lime, who supposedly died.  He encounters Lime’s girlfriend, Anna Schmidt, British Major Calloway, and many others through his journey.  He goes around asking Harry’s friends about his death, but they are giving little and inconsistent information.  He eventually sees Harry, who is not dead, in the shadows at night, but he runs away and Holly does not see him.  Major Calloway eventually reveals that Lime stole Penicillin from the army hospital, resulting in much suffering.  Holly agrees to help catch Harry and eventually kills him while the police chase him through the sewers.  This film, though not as much in the beginning, overall did a good job of maintaining my interest.  I noticed that it uses a tilted camera for many shots.  Lighting is used well when people are outside during the night.  The main theme out of the ten I think, is individual vs. Society.  Holly must deal with everyone in the city not telling him the whole truth for the first two thirds of the movie.  Then the last third, though it is not one of the top ten themes, the theme would be justice, as that is Holly’s goal upon Harry. I would give this movie a 3.5 out of 5.


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