This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

The Third Man

The Third Man is a movie about a man, Holly Martins, who goes to Vienna, Austria to take a job for his friend, Harry Lime.  However, when Martins gets there, he finds out that Lime has been killed in an accident where he got hit by a car.  The story is about Martins discovering what truly happened, which is much more than what everyone thought.
            I did not like this movie.  When I read the back and saw it involved a mystery, I had high hopes for this movie.  It disappointed me.  The movie did not engage me and there was little to no suspense created.  Some of the parts were confusing or hard to follow well.  There were also some scenes where the camera was tilted that I found much more distracting than helpful in evoking some sort of feeling like it was probably intended to do.  I never got into the story because the movie did not make me want get into it.  If this were a book, then I think that it could have engaged me more because it would have had more time to explain things an help create suspense.  But it was a movie, and I thought that it could have been much better.
Of the themes, this movie contains the battle and individual vs society.  It has individual vs society because Martins kept investigating the death of Lime even though everybody, including the police, was convinced it was an accident.  It has the battle because Martins battles inside on whether to help capture Lime or not in the movie.  Overall, I give it a 2 out if 5.


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