This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind ‬

This is an anime that mainly focus on man vs. nature that created by Hayao Miyazaki. Nausicaa is the main character and she is the princess of Valley of the Wind. His father who is the king has some serious condition and could not get off the bed. And their valley is really close to the Sea of Corruption, which is occupies with hundreds of thousands of different kinds of bugs. But, when Dorok’s invades Torumekians, the Sea of Corruption spreads and it starts to threat human being’s living condition. But, Nausicaa is the only one finds out that the Sea of Corruption is actually helping people and those bugs are friendly to people. So people do not need to worry so much. But, suddenly the change comes. Doroks’ invades the Valley of the Wind with the intension of get rid of those bugs and fight back a place that is suitable for human beings to live. So, Nausicaa runs off and met the prince of Torumekian, together they find out that the bugs in the Sea of Corruption is a part of the nature balance. If people still want to get rid of the bugs, then entire human beings are going to be killed by the bugs.
  After Nausicaa’s return, she finds out her kingdom is going to be attack by the bugs. Because there are two guys using the larva’s as induction for the swarms to come and attack. So she and the larva runs into the swarm and hope to stop the invading. Finally, they succeed and the swarms bring Nausicaa backs to life.
  So, after watching this, I feel that the main reason that people and nature could not get along with nature is because that we fear nature. And also we want everything under control. But, nature is supposed to live with people not being controlled by people. So, if people and nature can live harmonically, I believe that nature will not harm human beings. And afterwards, give human a better condition of living.
  Rated: 9.8/10


Connor Murray said...
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Connor Murray said...

I've seen Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away before. They're both good so I might have to watch this one next.

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