This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Strangers on a Train is kinda actually not so good

So the storyline: Guy, a tennis player, is riding on a train when some random guy (Bruno) gets into his personal life and tells him that they should exchange murders: he will murder Guy's wife in exchange for Guy murdering his father.

So then Bruno goes and actually does it.

Guy is shocked, and he also feels a bit guilty because he really didn't like his wife. Anyway, Bruno starts stalking Guy to try to get him to complete his murder. Eventually, Guy goes to Bruno's father's house and tries to warn him about Bruno, and since he doesn't complete the murder, Bruno tries to frame him for the murder.

So anyway, I thought this movie was actually quite boring. Something that I notice about a lot of older films is that I feel like they have boring dialogue and really stiff acting. Here is an overview of the emotions Guy shows:

Happiness: :|
Fear: :|
Anger :|

On the upside, the guy playing Bruno does a very good job of being crazy and making the viewer concerned. There is a decent amount of suspense that results from Bruno being crazy. Unfortunately, this doesn't actually make for a good movie. The movie is boring, and just because something has suspense does not mean I want to watch it. Suspense is not a good feeling unless you actually care about something in the movie, and there really isn't anything about the movie that makes me care about the characters.

The most prevalent theme in this movie is man vs. himself, as Bruno seems to be a reflection of Guy's more evil desires, which he wrestles with. I give this movie a 1.5 out of 5 stars.


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