This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Daddy Doodoo Day Camp

This weekend I watched Daddy Day Camp. This movie got a 1% rating on rotten tomatoes.  I am not surprised by this at all. This movie is the sequel to daddy day care, but they honestly should have only kept it at that because that movie is a lot better. This movie is childs play. I dont know if I felt the lame humor because of how old I am or if this movie was really just made for 10 year olds. Basically this movie is a movie Charlie and Phil being bad day care sitters but they are then motivated to do better by their neighbor making a day camp. Charlie calls his military father to whip them into shape and to do it.
The movie is just flat out boring and super predictable, it almost came to the point where i could mouth the actor's lines while they were saying. Like at least in Citizen Kane you had no idea what was going to happen next and the whole movie seemed like it was a mystery. It wasn't really the actors fault because they really couldn't do much with this movie.There is only one unpredictable laugh in the entire movie, one time in the film that I actually let out a chuckle, and that’s about two minutes from the conclusion of the film. The rest is fart jokes, camp humor, and sad attempts to be sentimental about father-son relationships. Just like why? It 's not even an enjoyable family kids because there is no interesting friendly plot to it. You know movie has a good plot for a family? Bedtime Stories. I STILL LOVE THIS MOVIE. Because it has that fairy-tale sense to it that relates to the whole family. Daddy Day Camp almost seems like it should be made for an older crowd because it seems it should be a little more raunchy. But nope, instead they make it awkward and terrible anbd just make it for little kids that even their parents cannot enjoy.
Honestly I dont even think that I can come up with a theme for this movie because its a plain story. It doesn't have that adventure feel that the viewer should have when they watch a movie.So in my mind there is no theme for this. I rate this .5 out of 5.


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