This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

March of the Emperor Penguins

 This is a documentary of the emperor penguins immigrants and how they rise their youth. They start marching in the late July, they have to march at least 70 miles to get to the thicker ice, where the penguins find their mates and give birth to their chick. And when the chicks grow up gradually, they still facing the danger of eaten by other predators, like eagles. 
  The whole documentary starts with the describe of the extreme condition that they live in. The Emperor Penguins are the last citizen that stays on this land. And all the other species have either run away or died out, left the emperor penguins to be the last one standing in the cold. 
  And the interesting thing about penguin that I don't know before is that penguins find their family by sounds. The funniest thing is: when mothers come back from the sea, she depends on her mate's sound to locate father and their child. And when the dad return from the sea, he recognize the family by their baby's sound.
  Overall, this is a good documentary but it's not really funny or intense. So, rated 4/5


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