This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Movie 43

   I watched Movie 43 this weekend and it certainly lived up to 4% rating it has on rotten tomatoes. The movie is about this crazy movie that this guy comes up with and he is trying to sell to a production company by holding the guy who decides what movies to make at gun point. The guy trying to sell the movie just keeps telling little stories which are made into shorts that make up the movie. All the shorts are to some extent funny (some hilarious, some not) yet there is no plot what so ever and it is a jumbled mess. Also some of the comedy is indeed raunchy. I have seen my share of raunchy movies, but this one had scenes in it that were over the top raunchy. This movie also created points of extreme awkwardness. For example, when the homeschooled boy kisses his mom. Also, once Johnny Knoxville appeared in this movie one could tell they were trying too hard to make it funny. Johnny is hilarious, just not in this particular environment.
   The movie is said to be the "Citizen Kane" of bad movies. Although it has hilarious things in it like a guy with testicles attached to his neck, the movie just doesn't connect at all. Its simply a jumbled mess. Now maybe if a whole movie was made on a guy with testicles attached to his neck, rather than a 10 minute short, there would be some success.
   This movie really doesn't have a theme. There is a small theme of revenge in the fact that the movie producer attempts to make his mean manager perform sexual acts to the security guard. I would give this movie a 2 out of 10. This is only because a guy with testicles on his neck, a homeschooled boy kissing his mom, and a guy tattooing a phallic image on his face are funny. It should be noted though that most of the comedy was simply not funny.


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