This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

World's Most Dangerous Drug... love. Jk its actually meth.

This was a very interesting documentary, I had actually forgotten we were supposed to watch a documentary until after I watched this, so you know this was a genuine interest. The concept of drugs has always interested me; for something to make you hallucinate and completely change who you are for a short period of time is just simply intriguing. As I learned about methamphetamine I learned that it is three times more powerful than cocaine, it lasts twelve times as long, and it is way cheeper! Now that is scary, considering it can be made using common household items in a couple hours. As I watched this documentary, it focused less on the drug itself and more on the people who use it, which I think is a good thing. Within a few months or years of using this drug the user will start to develop sores and lose teeth. These sores are caused by "meth bugs. Meth bugs are what many meth users hallucinate crawling all over their skin and then they end up scratching their arms and faces till they are raw and bloody. This was a very interesting documentary.
2.13 out of 5 meth rocks


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