This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

The Clique Movie: AKA my middle school years summed up into a book series...

Massie Block is the alpha of a quartet of pre-pubescent girls who call themselves 'The Pretty Committee". The movie begins with Massie's mother and father, the Blocks, informing her that their old college friends, the Lyons, will be moving into the guest house of their New York mansion. Massie proceeds to throw a temper tantrum as the van of Lyons pulls up to the house. Claire Lyons, the Lyons 13 year old daughter, single handedly turns the Pretty Committee against Massie and turns OCD (Octavian Country Day[yeah I'm not sure either..]) upside down. 

So this movie is indeed so bad that it did not even make it onto rotten tomatoes.  By telling you it was directed and produced by Tyra Banks should give you an indication of just how horrible it truly is...In middle school I read the book series, The Clique, so I thought I might enjoy this movie. The very first word in this film was Massie, one of the movie's main characters screaming 'EHMAGAWD" which is teenage girl for "Oh my God". From that moment on the film went down hill. Though I thoroughly enjoyed this movie as a whole; it was the quality that was bad. 

So entertainment wise this movie was great but quality wise....I'd rather eat a pinecone. I would rate this movie a solid 2.5 out of 5 juicy couture sweat suits.


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