This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

2001: A Space Oydessy

            2001: A Space Odyssey, number 15 on the AFI top 100, was one of the first successful science fiction movies.  Though it starts out slow (there is not a single word spoken in at least the first twenty minutes of the movie), and is also somewhat slow at other parts of the movie, it finds a way to kept the intensity going in some scenes and set the mode in others.  The music in this movie is really important to the overall feel of it.  It contains some iconic scores of music that set the mood very well for each scene and in a way tell the viewer how to think about a certain scene.  The acting is adequate, but the movie does seem very science fiction like and does not do a good job of drawing in the audience and keeping its attention.  Though it is two and a half hours long, it does not feel that long as there are many scenes that go quite a while with little or no dialogue in them.
            Of the ten themes I think that this one would fit best in triumph over adversity.  I think this because Bowman has to overcome the betrayal of Val in order to complete the mission.  This loosely fits a different meaning because the human race as a whole had to overcome hardships and work very hard to be able to find the monolith on the moon and send people to Jupiter to find out what the monolith was signaling too.  I think a more accurate theme for this movie, though it is not of the list of the ten most common, is the idea of a quest because the human race is on a quest to discover what the monoliths are and what their purpose is.  I did think this movie was quite slow at some points, so I give it a 3 out of 5.


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