This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Act of Valor

     Act of Valor is an action pack thrill ride of a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat.  There is action in a big part of the movie, which includes missions of a seal team for a good part of it.  The acting is nothing special, but it is still good.  One of the devices that is used to drag in the audience is the use of a first person view in some of the team's missions.  It looks exactly like a first person shooter video game such as Call of Duty or Battlefield.  It makes the viewer feel like he or she is part of the team and is actually on the mission.  It has a typical plot for a movie like this (the bad guy has a goal that the good guys try to thwart) but it is a fun movie to watch.
     Of the ten movie themes, this one falls into two of them quite well.  One of them is the battle, which is pretty obvious as the seals fight the terrorists a lot in this movie.  The other theme is good vs. evil.  The terrorists (evil) are more or less trying to plant bombs in heavily populated areas in the US.  The seals (good) are trying to catch them and stop them before they succeed.  This is not one of the best movies that I have seen, but as I said earlier it is fun to watch, so I give it a 4 out of 5.


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