This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Charlie and the chocolate factory

As one of the greatest directors in the world, Tim Burton has shot tons of impressive movies like Big Fish and Edward Scissorhands.  This weekend, I watched another film called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, starring Johnny Depp, a charming actor of countless talents.  The story basically shows how Charlie Bucket, a poor young boy won a one-in-a-million ticket to the biggest chocolate factory in the world, led by Willy Wonka, the unusual candy maker. 
If we take a deeper look into plots, it is not hard to find out everlasting themes of education movies, to never be greedy, arrogant or selfish.  Unlike other chosen kids, Charlie is nice and loves his family.  When he was asked to leave his parents and stay in the factory, he refused right away, believing things would go better if they stayed together.  The child sets example of a good kid to many young audiences in front of the screen.
In addition, Willy Wonka plays a significant role in the storyline as well.  As he conflicted with his father, a strict dentist, Willy dismissed all of workers and made his factory a mysterious place; however, after Charlie persuaded, the lonely candy maker decided to reconcile with his father.  Willy finally found his biggest treasure, long lost father-son bond.

After watching this dramatic movie, I find myself closer to my parents and treasure them more.  So I strongly recommend this movie to both children and adults.


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