This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Never Let This Happen- a review of Equilibrium

Equilibrium is the story of a Dystopian future in which society has lost it's feelings... literally. Scientists discovered a way to remove human emotions in the form of Prozium, a drug that the population must take at regular intervals so as to keep society free of war and crime.
Enter Christian Bale and Sean Bean, two "Clerics" who hunt those that are off the dose and are fighting to bring human emotions back. Bale's character realizes that Bean's is off of Prozium and sneaking out into "the nether" (the area in which the resistance seems most populated) at night in order to enjoy works of art. Christian Bale confronts him, ultimately killing him, but soon misses a dose, and realizes why Bean went off the dose. For the rest of the movie, Bale fights for the resistance trying to find a way to bring human emotion back.
Equilibrium explored a cool concept which proposes the question of what's more important, emotion or peace?  In the end we see emotion becoming more important to those who lose an interval, yet we also see more and more violence breaking out, thus backing up the claims of the government. The movie never answers this for us and leaves us to decide whether or not the bloodshed is worth it, or if peace is worth the loss of freedom. Although it does show which is more important to Bale's character and displays world peace as the lesser of the benefits, it does allow the debate.
The characters are pretty flat (i mean when you don't have emotions it's kind of hard to be 3d) and the action sequences are 100% real cheese, however, the movie is certainly enjoyable and was certainly worth being free on amazon prime, but i couldn't see it being worth even a $10 price tag.
All in all, i give Equilibrium 3.5 sliced off faces out of 5


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