This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...


I had received a recommendation from a friend to check out this movie. I'd had seen this movie in commercials but it was one of those movies that kind of passed over your head. Anyway, this movie is about 4 magicians that are assembled by a mysterious person to create a sort of "A-Team" named the Four Horsemen. A year after they are created, they perform a show in Vegas consisting of them robbing a bank. That's right. Robbing a bank from their stage in Vegas. So then the FBI gets involved and the rest of the movie they chase the Horsemen. And Morgan Freeman is also somehow involved because he debunks magicians.

There were SO many plot twists in this movie. Like my mind was blown. Some things were predicatble, but others came out from nowhere. Maybe just because I'm a gullible teenager that will believe anything they see or hear on TV. Either way it was a great ride.

I think this movie deals with the Good vs. Evil theme the most. However, you have to choose who's evil and good. Is the FBI good trying to stop the Horsemen? Are the Horsemen good for being good magicians? What about Morgan Freeman? I love how this is open for interoperation. The movie doesn't solely focus on the Horsemen's efforts, nor does it solely focus on the FBI. It has a nice balance so you as the viewer can watch and make up your mind.

I enjoyed this movie, but it did have its flaws. There wasn't too much character development (at least for the Horsemen) and the plot was confusing at times. But the special affects were very nice and the plot does take many twists and turns which sweet. Overall, I give this movie 7 Morgan Freeman's out of 10.



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