This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...

Eddie Snippy Fingers

I thought before I watched Big Fish that I had never seen a Tim Burton film, until I looked at IMDb. If you asked me to name all of the most bizarre movies I have ever seen, BeetleJuice and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory would be up there. I just did not know they were directed by Tim Burton. Edward Scissorhands was mainly about a person who unintentionally challenged social norms, and faced much adversity because of it. There is an especially interesting scene in this movie where in this pastel and bland neighborhood we see all cars exiting their houses at the same time. This scene reminded me right away of the Truman Show when everyone is going through the motions, not thinking twice. Then Edward comes along and unknowingly changes everything.
                 At first everyone loves Edward; everyone except Jim. Jim is Kim's boyfriend (hah, Jim and Kim). Jim senses that Edward is a nice guy and immediately feels the need to get rid of him. We see the good and bad of Edward brought out by both Kim and Jim. At the end Edward makes the ultimate sacrifice by basically giving up Kim because he knows society would basically banish her if she had anything to do with him. All in all I saw a ton of character growth and development. Great movie: 4.231 out of 5.


Unknown said...

Having watched the film myself, I agree with the fact that Edward's character growth was key to the movie so I also think that "loss of innocence" could be a major theme here as he is essentially an adolescent when he is brought back to the town. I also like the reference to the Truman Show because that scene felt really familiar, and I completely agree that it displays the same kind of routine lifestyle. Cool review homeboi

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