This is the online blog for students of Faith through Film and Fiction to post their weekly movie reviews...and for each of us to respond to them...and for us to potential rant about your reviews...


     Movie critics view film in a way that is much different than myself. Vertigo is a movie made in the 50's meaning that of course there are innumerable amounts of differences from today's cinema. All this having been said I don't quite understand why most critics agree to give Vertigo a number nine spot on the top 100 movies ever made. My best assumption is that Vertigo was a movie that pushed boundaries never before attempted and changed the movie industry forever because of this. However myself being a spoiled new age brat couldn't find it within to appreciate these nuances.
     John Ferguson, a retired cop finds himself perplexed in a new case brought upon him by an old friend, Gavin Elster. Along the way he falls in love with this girl, Elster's wife: Madeleine. The plot/story is not all the compelling so I can't recommend you watch it for that purpose. My favorite aspect of the movie was undoubtedly the camera work. Shot composition in this movie is fantastic, one scene must have been a 10 minute span with no talking only Ferguson following Madeleine around town. The camera techniques too were amazing utilizing every camera technique flawlessly. I give this movie a 6/10, supposedly revolutionary but lost in today's age and culture.

~Jonathan Matson    


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